Friday, September 13, 2013

The Gospel according to Amy

So I'm just wondering, as a married woman, how my words got taken as the end-all, be-all for all things from that point onward.
Not as in "close the lid of the toilet when you are done," or "pick up your own dry cleaning," but other things, that may change.
I have had three kids. I have had my fair share (and then some) of mood swings. I know. I'm tough to live with. I am.
For having had no kids himself, my husband is really pretty moody too. He's demanding in his own way. Sure, I love him, but he's high maintenance. I learned about a year or two into our marriage, I was no longer the difficult one. Gravy on the side, shoes in a line, and quiet when the show is on. Yeah, he's the Sally.

One pregnancy I made a comment about the frequency of our "intimacy."
My youngest child is almost 9, and I'm pretty sure I didn't say it while she was the one I was expecting.

Today what I said was again touted to me as "the Gospel according to Amy."
(hey, that might be a great, great blog rename. Stay tuned)

Funny, I meant it at the time. Boy, did I ever. However, it's years later. We've both changed, learned and maybe grown a bit.
I don't still mean it, but I guess I never told him that. He didn't ask either. Things just keep on going their merry way and even though we've both changed our view on this particular issue, it's not been readdressed til today.
and then it was a fight.
So, when is it the time to bring it back up? When it's a fight? When it naturally arises? shouldn't one revisit certain issues, especially intimate ones, after more trust has been built and more time has passed?
Obviously, I trust my  husband more now than I could have ever dreamed when we first got married, or even in the early day of having that first child. I imagine that in another 16 years I"ll trust him more than I do now.
Until further notice, this has been the Gospel according to Amy.

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